Thursday, November 12, 2015


please help me make this book!!!

thank you!

Saturday, September 19, 2015

logan & kitty for sale...


14x20, gouache on fabriano hot press paper. $580 postage included. please contact me at the email address above.

Logan & Kitty.      14x20, gouache on paper.      $580

recent commissions

hey kids.  hot of the presses...

Monday, August 31, 2015


Hey kids!

I'm selling the following three pandering Star Wars paintings. Each is 9x12, ink and gouache on watercolour paper.

If you're interested in purchasing any of them, please email me at the above address with the subject line "MURDER BEAR", "GRONK", or "NIEN" respectively. All prices are in USD, and include shipping within the US and Canada.

"GRONK"    9X12"    $295

"MURDER BEAR"   9x12"   $265

"NIEN NUNB"   9x12"   $275

Thursday, May 21, 2015

recent tv doodles...

... more on (the much more frequently updated) tom fowler's stuff.

"garage band"

"happy to oblige"

"weekend warrior"

some recent commissions...

... for various people, places, and things...

Monday, January 05, 2015


EDIT: the auction's ended. please see below. thank you so much to everyone who participated. 

if you're a comics fan (and if you're not i can't imagine why you're following this blog) you've probably heard by now that shortly before christmas Norm Breyfogle, the defining artist for the batman of my childhood, suffered a stroke. as is sadly the case for most artists, Norm had no insurance. one week in the hospital emptied out his life savings and now he's facing massive bills for his recuperation.

Norm's family have started a fund to help defer some of those costs. if you go no further in this post i would urge you to visit that site and give even a little.

the moment i heard i started drawing. as i've mentioned before, i've never met Norm, and he wouldn't know me from adam, but his work is a huge part of the artist i am today. i couldn't let it go.

so i drew.

then i painted.

and now it's done...


tomorrow (the 6th) is my birthday. and for my birthday i'd like you to consider participating in a silent auction for my batman piece : "not broken". (11x17, gouache)

quite simply, over the next week, starting with $300, email me at the above address, subject line "FOR NORM", with your bid, your name, and your address. in the event of two (or more) bids of the same amount the first of those bids received will win.

i'll close the auction at midnight (est) sunday the 11th of january. highest bid wins. 100% goes to Norm's fund.


UPDATE: the auction ended last night. thank you so much to Paramdeep Khangura (@1param1 on twitter) for his winning bid. it should probably be fairly clear to everyone by now how deeply i feel about all this, so i'd like to thank (again) Paramdeep, all the other bidders, and everyone who helped spread the word about this online.

thank you.
