Saturday, December 03, 2005


hi, tom here.

i just (with copious help from one chris salter) set up my new quick and sloppy blog.

mmmmmm... quick and sloppy.

while i fully intend to eventually have a real live website sometime soon, this'll have to do in the meantime.

in the next couple of days i'll be posting quite a few images for the perusal of the masses (but no clowns, please... they frighten me). feel free to let me know how you like 'em, but just two rules:

1... be nice. even if you don't like them. i'm very delicate, like a little flower... or a pixie.

2... please don't clog up my comments box with offers for penis cream. i have more penis cream now than any man should rightfully have access to.




  1. lol - Cute post. Wishing to break your first comment virginity with a big WELCoME to the neighborhood.

  2. Blarg!!!!!!! backatcha.

    Check out, eh?

  3. "Penis cream" is the funniest spam-inspired imaginary product that I've heard of in a while.

    By the way, if the supply of penis cream that you mention is not imaginary, please please don't tell me. The thought is much scarier than the zombies.

  4. Anonymous11:03 PM

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