say it just like that.
he'll have to order it... because eventually that would get hard to step over.
anyway, here are the pages in glorious and silent black and white...

the same coloured pages are also available here on this fancy french website (thanks marv).
Freakin' hell...that's what it is! Sweet strokes, man, and I love the brushwork as well.
thanks shane.
... and now you see why it's been forever between posts!
i wrote months ago that i didn't want to post nothing but monroe, but as mysterius has been more or less top secret until now, i didn't have anything else to post.
that said, i've posted just about everything i'm allowed to from mysterius... so expect a return to the norm...
Surely I need to get my eyes checked - I read that as a French Fries site - or maybe I'm just hungry?
As for the mother: that was a remarkable depiction of someone I know! kudos.
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