Tuesday, November 13, 2012

"If you will it, dude, it is no dream..."

one of my very favourite places on earth, my high school home, the mayfair theatre here in ottawa is holding a number of fundraisers to upgrade to a, now sadly necessary, digital projector. to help out i'm contributing a couple of perks to their indigogo campaign. the first is the above portrait of walter sobchak which, i think, will really tie the room together. the second is a painted portrait, by me, of the movie character of your choice!


please consider helping them out. as an added bonus (and proof that the theatre is run by some really great guys) their target goal of $15,000 will go straight to the projector, should they go over that amount the next $5,000 goes to another piece of necessary equipment, and everything above THAT amount will go straight to the RED CROSS!

UPDATE: walter is sold!!! thanks. please check out the site for more.


  1. ...and the Walter portrait is sold! thank you Evan Annett, thank you Tom, and thank you John Goodman

  2. Замечательно))))
