first the art:

it's "what if the twarts ran marvel" week over at
comictwart. not having time to participate with one piece i of course did two. perennial favourite rocket raccoon (above) and new love man-thing (below). the latter also coloured by fellow twartist nathan fairbairn. all the specific details are
over there so please take a look.

i also sat in on
war rocket ajax the other night and, in a shocking departure from the norm, managed to behave myself (
mostly). go take a listen as chris, euge, jen vaughn and i talk about scooby doo, vaginas, and wrestling.
speaking of, deadpool team-up #888 came out today. written by cullen bunn, coloured by the aforementioned mr. fairbairn and drawn by me. you can see the preview
here. the rest is ben grimm wrasslin' an alien for 20 pages. i'll post a couple of black and white pages from it in a few days, but in the meantime go buy it.