Friday, February 24, 2012


i've posted a few shots of how HULK SEASON ONE is coming along to twitter. so, in the absence of anything else i can show, i thought i'd round them up here.

and, yes, bruce banner has an otter box.



Enrique Rivera said...

MORE MORE MORE! Are you going to be at C2E2 this year Tom?

tomfowler said...

hey enrique!

i'll post more as i can.

no C2E2 for me. ECCC, Heroes, and NYCC are the only shows i'll be making it to this year outside of canada. i will be in chicago for WORLDCON, but that will be in a non-table capacity.

Robot 8888 said...

These look great! Can't wait to see more.

Mike Hawthorne said...

Man, that looks fantastic!!


Anonymous said...

Sold! I'll be getting this.